• Testimonials & Endorsements

    Real experiences from real clients & Edorsers

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    Expert Empoweress

    I have had the pleasure of working with Arwyn Swanger and absolutely recommend resources be it inexperienced or experienced professionals looking to bring about a positive change in their pursuits.
    I am an experienced senior management leader in the IT industry and currently in the process of looking for suitable positions and really have enjoyed working with Arwyn for some and not limited to the following benefits of working with her
    A) she is a thorough professional with the skills to be able to walk the talk.
    B) Genuine. It is not just a career but a true commitment to her customers
    C) I ate ability to decipher an individual’s strength, create brand value
    D) very strong career coaching skills.
    Every once or more times an individual stops seeing what SHE/HE tends to lose belief in themselves. Arwyn had the natural ability to get them back on their strong footing and strengths.
    She has an infectious positive attitude and great skills in getting people to their positive mindset and their eventual success.
    Arwyn, keep reaching for the stars as you are one who deserves the best. Thank you for what you do and I am really fortunate to have worked with you and will continue to.- Sridar Venketraman, Innovative Test Engineering Director
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    Professional Keynote Speaker
    Great speaker on DEI, specifically neurodivergent. Having a speaker with a lived experience can greatly add to the discussion, further understanding and compassion in the workplace., Kevin Traw, Vice President of Customer Service, Optum
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    Champion of the Underdog
    Arwyn is the champion of the underdog. No matter how defeated you feel or against the wall, she will push you. She does so because she understands what it is like to fight for survival. As someone that knows Arwyn as a friend and colleague, I can not recommend her enough.- Dan Roth, Global Human Resources Business Partner
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    Passionate, Professional, Creative & Collaberative
    From day one of working with Arwyn, several things were very clear: Arwyn is passionate, professional, creative, and collaborative. And she’s brought all of those attributes to her efforts when it comes to recruiting. She’s a huge proponent of DEI recruiting and I’ve seen her lead the way when it comes to proactively recruiting in this way. She faces challenges with a creative mindset, figuring out new solutions rather than hoping the old ones still work. Arwyn is a leader in this industry and I’m glad I get to work alongside her. She is not just a culture fit; she is a culture add. She brings more to your organization than you could ever think possible. - Dan Cowin, Account Director at LinkedIn